Wednesday, January 13, 2010

4.04 - Eggtown

Title’s significance: Yeah, I’m gonna let Carlton cover this one, as quoted from Lostpedia: “Really, we could spend a lot of time talking about the titles that don't make sense, but the title "Eggtown" referred to the fact that Locke fixed a couple of eggs for Ben at the beginning of the episode, and then there's also the episode had a lot to do with Kate's pregnancy, and pregnancy involves eggs, and so that was the other kind of, sort of metaphoric significance of the title "Eggtown".”

Recap: Locke’s holding Ben and Miles prisoner, and Kate and Sawyer are playing house just swell, but Kate refuses to move in with Sawyer. Jack introduces Daniel and Charlotte to the beach camp while Kate demands to see Miles, learning his location by “Scooby-Doo’ing” Hurley. Miles tells Kate that he wants to speak to Ben and won’t tell her anything until he does. Meanwhile, Jack is having difficulties hailing the freighter on the sat phone but refuses to concede that Locke might be right. Kate asks Sawyer’s help in freeing Ben, but Sawyer goes to Locke and tells him about her plan to bust Ben out, so Locke darts to the boathouse – it’s empty, since Kate has Miles with her and is bringing him to Ben. Miles tells Ben he’ll lie about his whereabouts for $3.2 million, but Ben isn’t quite willing to play ball as Kate learns from Miles that the feds are still after her. When Locke realizes he’s been tricked, he’s peeved and excommunicates Kate. Charlotte calls the freighter and learns that the helicopter never made it to the freighter. Kate’s flashforward finds her facing her court date with her mother as the star witness; her lawyer Duncan Forrester advises her to play up her character by using her son, but Kate refuses. Forrester calls Jack into the courtroom as a character witness, but this upsets Kate and she calls a halt to it. Her mother Diane comes to her and asks to see her grandson in return for not testifying, but Kate refuses point blank. But when Diane can’t testify for medical reasons, Kate takes a plea bargain for probation and travel restriction. We learn at the end that Kate’s “son” is actually Aaron.

Thoughts: Not a really spectacular episode, but I’m loving the whole “Locke leading The Others” thing, partly because Terry O’Quinn is such a spectacular actor and also because it’s tied in with my whole theory about Locke being the savior of the island. Though the flashforward wasn’t very interesting, it introduces a major plot point that should be disconcerting to anyone who’s been paying attention – Aaron isn’t being raised by Claire.

Favorite moment: That opening scene between Ben and Locke is magnificent, and not just because of Locke’s rewatch-minded line, “You might catch something you missed the second time around.” Emerson and O’Quinn are quite clearly the two best actors on this show. That, or Locke putting a grenade in Miles’s mouth.

Characters introduced (in order):

  • DUNCAN FORRESTER, Kate’s lawyer
  • MELISSA DUNBROOK, Kate’s prosecutor

What we learned:

  • Locke is holding Miles prisoner in the boathouse.
  • The Oceanic 6’s story claims that only eight people survived the plane crash.
  • Ben knows who the freighter people are working for.
  • Kate’s record is still open with the feds.
  • Kate’s mother has outlived medical estimates.
  • Daniel’s been having memory problems.
  • Kate’s not pregnant.


  • Why is Locke holding Miles prisoner?
  • Who were the two that allegedly survived the crash but aren’t considered part of the Oceanic 6?
  • Why is Miles willing to lie about Ben?
  • Why does Miles want $3.2 million on the nose?
  • What happened to the helicopter?
  • How did Kate get a hold of Aaron, and why would Claire let him leave the island without her?

Things that are going to be important in Season Six:

  • Aaron’s not being raised by Claire. As of Season Five, he’s still not even on the island. Isn’t this going to pose a major problem?

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